Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mexican Lasagna

I made this Mexican Lasagna for dinner last night. We are trying to incorporate some new recipes into our repertoire. Things have been getting a little stale lately, so this was the plan. I am also trying to cut down on grocery shopping trips (pricey and time consuming, not to mention, not easy with 2 1/2 year old and a 4 month old). Anyway, we watch The Food Network around here and Robin Miller made this one the other day. Mr. Smith thought it looked good, so we decided to give it a shot.

Well, this recipe is an absolute killer. You can make it as healthy as you would like and as spicy or non-spicy as you would like. I used the marinade that she recommends from the same show to roast the chicken, but it would be just as easy to pick up a rotisserie chicken when you are shopping and use that.

The awesome thing about Robin Miller is that she figures out a couple of recipes to use the same basic ingredients, so if you plan things a little bit, you get a couple meals out of each cooking session. Works for me!!

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